Student Solution


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Chapter 5 Paper Assignment

Chapter 5 Paper Assignment

Q Watch the lecture on Chapter 5, Read Chapter 5 and Watch the “Diversity in the Workplace” video as well. Write a 4 paged, double spaced paper, 1” margins, 12 pt font - discussing the three content items. For example, what did the lecture point out that the book did not? What is something you learned or really thought about from the lecture? What is something different from the video? What were the takeaways for you personally? What are your comfort levels regarding working with those that are different from you? Explain, summarize, compare, and contrast. I want to see that you PAID ATTENTION to each of the content items for this week.

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In the Chapter 5 Lecture, the subject matter being emphasized on is to take feedback by becoming aware of the perspectives and opinions of other diverse groups of human beings. This is because if the perspective and opinions of other diverse groups of human beings are not taken into consideration, others will also never learn to practice empathizing. This is because it will become a negative atmosphere or environment in the workplace to work with diverse groups of individuals. Assimilation is another aspect which has been emphasized in the lecture.